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Timeline of most known SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) orbital missions


Erli Pinto dos Santos

Here is a way to see how SAR remote sensing has evolved in the number of orbital missions (from specific to operational imaging projects), the polarization capabilities, and the operation frequency of SAR sensors. Viewing the below-presented charts is easy to realize why the Brazilian scientists, Waldir Paradella, José Mura, and Fabio Gama, stated that the 2010s decade was the age of microwave remote sensing.

Chart one: radar orbital missions timeline and operating frequency


Chart two: radar orbital missions timeline and polarization imaging capabilities


Bonus chart: EO College chart:


This one was adapted from the infos present in the Echoes in Space course material, from the EO College (


Paradella, W. R., Mura, J. C., & Gama, F. F. (2021). Monitoramento DInSAR para mineração e geotecnia. Oficina de Textos.